
Behind most top performing executives, athletes, and entrepreneurs is a great coach. Why is that?

Maybe you

  • Have a solid career on paper but
  • Feel off track
  • Lack motivation
  • Aren’t really being yourself
  • Know you're capable of more
  • Want a big change

One realization away

Our understanding of ourselves and the situation is what gives us the ability to take action and produce new results. Many of us plateau or feel stuck when we’ve already taken action on what we know. We’re stuck in the phase illustrated above called Confusion. It takes a while to get out of this place alone. For some, it can take a very long time. But it’s worth pushing through because once you find insight, you enable a new level of performance. And right now, you’re only one realization away.

Could we be a fit?

Each coach is unique. The best way to see if we'd work well together is to meet. Give my coaching a try with a free sample session.

You're wanting

  • Faster growth
  • Higher performance
  • A sense of direction
  • Excitement and enthusiasm
  • Meaningful work
  • A deeper understanding of who you are
  • Confidence to pursue what you really want

Misfit help

You’ve probably already asked for help. The first person most people reach out to is a friend or colleague. Maybe someone whose ability you respect. You tell them your situation and they give you their thoughts. If your friends are anything like mine, their advice, while interesting, didn’t lead to lasting change. So you kept looking.

Maybe someone with more experience will help? If you’re lucky, you have a mentor. This is someone who is further along in their career or life than you who can share their personal experience. But if you’re reading this, chances are that didn’t work either. Mentors are an excellent resource for learning from someone else’s experience. This is useful when you’re building a hard skill and want an example of how it can be done well. But this isn’t helpful when you’re not sure what you need to improve or what you want in the first place. And very rarely does someone else’s experience lead to profound insight for you.

This is why the top performers work with a coach.

Your dynamic partner

They want someone who will know them inside and out. Because the most profound insight comes not from advice but from thoughtful questions. And this is what I do extremely well as a coach: I ask really good questions. I ask questions because that’s how we’ll uncover the answers nobody else has been able to provide. The truth is, you have the right answers already locked inside. You just need someone who understands you and asks the right questions.

I do this to move you towards realization and to increase action. This translates to new heights in your performance. That is my focus as your coach. We accomplish this in several additional ways. For example, I reveal your unique strengths, recurring patterns, and blindspots and give you the tools to work with them. This increases your overall self-awareness and allows you to make better decisions with a richer set of data. I’m also an experienced thought partner. I create an environment where the best learning occurs. To me, the best learning occurs with a combination of trust, playfulness, and focus.

Trust: In order to move the conversation from the mundane to the meaningful, from the surface to the core, there must be a high level of trust. The coaching conversation is safe, supportive and without judgment.

Playfulness: When everything needs to be perfect, we freeze and inhibit learning. We are the most creative and willing to explore in play, where some messiness is allowed. This is where our best ideas shake free. On top of that, it makes the coaching experience enjoyable.

Focus: In a coaching session, we have a limited amount of time together. Whether or not we’re deliberate and intentional with it determines its impact. We work together to set a clear focus, which maximizes your value and results.

Lasting impact

In short, the coaching relationship is a series of one hour conversations with a broader outcome defined at the beginning of our relationship. With each conversation, we focus on where you are in the present moment, so that you are empowered to apply your learning right away. Every conversation we have compounds. The learnings from one conversation build on the previous sessions.

This means that the most powerful impact a coach can have happens over time. This is the reason why I ask clients to commit to working together for at least three months. It allows us to go deep, achieve the value you’re after, and build habits that will last.

I’ve completed this journey many times now, both as a leader within a company and running my own practice. I’ve been privileged to partner with executives, directors, designers, software engineers, and product managers at leading companies. Here’s what they have to say:


It's important that the structure of our coaching relationship aligns with your goals. That's why I like to define the exact cadence and length of our sessions after meeting together for a free sample session. That said, the majority of my clients end up working with me under one of the following programs:

Standard package
  • 6 hours of coaching
  • 3 month commitment
  • 10% price discount
  • Payment in full or monthly
I'm interested
Focused package
  • 12 hours of coaching
  • 3 month commitment
  • 20% price discount
  • Payment in full or monthly
I'm interested

After the initial three months together, coaching continues month-to-month with no commitment. This gives you the flexability to continue as needed.

Could we be a fit?

Each coach is unique. The best way to see if we'd work well together is to meet. Give my coaching a try with a free sample session.

About me

Prior to becoming a coach, I was an accomplished technologist. I spent 11 years as an engineer, designer, and manager. This makes me well versed in the unique challenges of being successful in a competitive space. I climbed the ladder and reached my goals quickly. I helped the people on my teams do the same. And I know I can help you too.

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